Whilst shopping the other day at the glorious store that is Hobby Lobby, I found this adorable fabric remnant for a couple bucks...I liked the feel of the material and decided to pick it up to try to make a pillow for baby R. I don't own a sewing machine (and wouldn't know how to work it if I did...) so I hand stitch anything I want to sew. Since it always seems to add some charm I usually don't mind, though. =)
I started by folding the fabric inside out and started a simple stitch...
And here is how it looked after sewing up one side...
I have since sewn the long side and in keeping with the thrifty theme, I am planning on gathering old t-shirts to stuff the pillow with. I would rather use something unwanted than to waste them or spend money on cotton filling. I will have to update you on how it turns out! Until then...
Tend the field you've been given. ;)