God told me to "tend the field I've been given."
Join me as I venture to be frugal and content as I walk through this life...

Monday, January 7, 2013

Spring Planning

Wow. It has been 2 months since last we met! Well, let me jump right in and say that I am happily turning over Spring thoughts in my head. Spring is such a beautiful time of year. I can appreciate all seasons, but Spring is so special to me. It feels so fresh and welcome by the time Winter is coming to an end! We have all the hope of a beautiful, bountiful garden without the realities of droughts, cracked tomatoes, and potato beetles. :)

I am hoping that I won't be too incredibly miserable in a couple of months when my gardening season starts. I am due in July, so hopefully with the help of the kiddos and my husband we can make this year successful, too.

Things to Plant:


Maybe to plant:

Fruit trees

What do you have planned for your Spring garden this year?

I wish you well! And may my compost provide yummy nutrients for my soil! That is my gardening prayer! =)