God told me to "tend the field I've been given."
Join me as I venture to be frugal and content as I walk through this life...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The End of Our Harvest

Yesterday was the finale of our first year of gardening. My oldest son gathered in the last of the tomatoes (all green) because we had a frost warning for last night. 

This year has been fantastic.

I am already dreaming about next Spring, and have even been researching how to start a Farmer's Market booth. (Kind of ambitious after my first gardening year, I know.) But, I'm 27 years old with a supportive husband and family. I feel like I can do something like this if I set my mind to it. So I will keep researching...and let you know. ;)

I hope your gardening year was as fantastic as mine!

Tending my field (in more ways than one),