God told me to "tend the field I've been given."
Join me as I venture to be frugal and content as I walk through this life...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Using what I have!

This summer I was given the leftover ribbons and bows from my sister D's wedding last fall. I was excited yesterday to use them while we decorated for Autumn. I know, I know...it's still 11 days away. (But hey, if you decorate for Christmas on November 1st, you kinda need to start early!)

So my son and I dragged the little red wagon out to the garden to attempt to tear the roots off the cornstalks. (Corn...grew enough to have these lovely cornstalk bouquets, and didn't even eat a single ear of it...plenty of trial and error this year. I hate wasting!)

Here is the final product:

The four little pumpkins are from our garden this year...and we picked up the large one at the Farmer's Market yesterday. And let me just say, I can't get enough of my retro wagon. =)

Tending the field I've been given...