God told me to "tend the field I've been given."
Join me as I venture to be frugal and content as I walk through this life...

Sunday, April 29, 2012


"Tend the field you've been given."

Those were God's words to me. These words have stayed with me...and as I journey through life I want to keep them at the front of my mind. We live in a world (especially those of us who blog) where the newest idea, trend, project, furnishing, design, or remodel idea has us pining for change. It has the potential to leave us constantly in a state of discontentment with what God has given us. Temptation for envy, jealousy and dissatisfaction is ever present in our world. But God told me recently to stop worrying about what everyone else has or is doing. All I need to do is simply:

Tend the field I've been given.